Monday, September 3, 2007


As many of you know I work long and odd hours so sleep is precious to me! So precious that my family is afraid to wake me when they find me sleeping! Yesterday was on of those days after working 18 hours on Saturday I had to be back to work at 7:00am so the few hours of sleep I got were not going to cut it so at 10:00am on Sunday I was going to catch up!!!! After only a hour of sleep I incorporate into a dream someone ringing the door bell and then awaken to seeing my in-laws driving away so there really was a door bell ringing but it is too late so I drift back to sleep! My next recollection is large truck engines rumbling up and down the street! I open my eyes to see two fire trucks and police car in front of my house! I don't smell smoke or hear the fire alarms going off in my house so I think something must be going on in one of the neighbor's home only to see the fireman and police walk across my front lawn! No one knocks on the door so I just keep watching(from the bed, no need to get up unless you have to evacuate). Eventually the fireman return to their truck and start them! I guess I had decided I should find out what happened so I get up and go to the police car, thank god that I was sleeping in my clothes so dressing was not necessary, only to find out that my husband was burning scrap wood in our fire pit in the woods and someone had reported a fire behind our house! I did notice not just the local fire department truck responded but the state's forestry fire truck showed up! So if you were wondering what your tax dollars to the fire department were being used for now you know! Also so much for me catching up on my sleep and I guess the fire department isn't aware of don't bother me when I am sleeping!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

My eye defense

First let me say yes I have had lasik surgery on my eyes and I did wear eye shields to protect my eyes but what was not realized was that the shields were clear plastic so they were purely for protection from the herd of animals that sleep in the king size bed with me! Just the other night the cats, Harry and Dobby, attacked my foot! You might ask why? I can only conjecture that stretching might have signaled some type of a threat or attack that triggered shredding my foot!
Now the noose thing for my arms!! Yes I did use a noose system that did not allow me to sleep with my arms over my head! These were made by one of the vascular surgeons I work with because after not sleeping for several weeks because of left shoulder pain from inflation caused by sleeping with my arms over my head(could be related to protecting my head from unwarranted animal attacks) I was difficult to work with. He designed them out of his need for survival from the sleepless me and it worked! I only used them for a few months until I trained myself to sleep with my arms down and the inflation went away and I didn't have to take any drugs!
As you age these little tricks might come in handy and you can contact me for more information!
Also after 43 years of wearing glasses or contacts I need neither so go LASIK eye surgery and those cute plastic eye shields!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I must apologize about my error on my very first blog entry! It is Whipped Cream not whip cream so please accept my sincere apology!

Whip Cream in my Eye

Well Hello! Let me introduce myself I am Anna F. Thornley's mom and I feel it is about time I defend myself or should I say explain some of the things you have read about me in the previously mentioned persons blog!
The most recent being the whip cream in my eye! Yes! I did shoot whip cream into my eye from Anna's $100 whip creamer but please let me explain! I have traveled almost 3000 miles to visit my only daughter and her new husband(Doug) only to find that when I want whip cream on my ice cream the age of the cream in days is more then twice my age! Yes that old! So instead of putting it back in the refrigerator like most would I took it upon myself to clean the fermented cream! After releasing the pressure the cream did make it's way into my right eye! And yes when I was trying to get it out of my eye it appeared that some of my eye lashes were missing and at my age that is an tragedy! Then there is the statement that " I have whip cream in my eye but I still can hear" was in response to the string of questions asked about a movie that we were watching and would only be asked by the hearing impaired!
I will continue to defend the occasional crazy things I do so keep checking!